Chapter 0: Retrospective
That is an interesting question. Before social media who were we and how did we pass the time? Honestly thats a great question that I think stops anyone in their tracks and makes them think. Turn left. Turn right. Look up. Look down. Social media is EVERYWHERE. We are so connected to it on a huge standpoint and it impacts the very way we think. Now I’m making my own social media called Sympocia (its amazing btw check it out :) ) but I’m currently comparing it to other social media platforms. It got me thinking…. Doesn’t social media feel like eating a huge tub of ice cream?
Chapter 1: A look deeeperrr
Now who usually eats a tub of ice cream? If we’re being honest its three people: overweight people, people who are trying to be overweight, and depressed people in the movies (currently ignoring the people who eat it for fun and who is also healthy you guys are ignored). But let me ask you a follow up question….How do you usually feel after eating it? You feel like garbage right? A big pile of horse dung right? Wait… is that just me? Nevertheless this is what social media feels like today. You consume too much of the“social media kool-aid” you start to ask yourself why you’re wasting your life doing this right? Or maybe god forbid you encounter the peacocks…..
Chapter 2: Peacocks???
You know who the peacocks are. It’s anyone and everyone who loves to indirectly or directly show off on these platforms. I’m talking about the “fitness” guru who loves to show off their gains in the hopes that they’ll get famous for these same gains. I’m talking about the “entrepreneurs” who never ever fail to remind everyone that they are an entrepreneur. The list goes on. But at the end of the day how do you feel?
Chapter 3: Realization
You feel sad don’t you. It’s weird how a site that was supposed to make you feel connected to everyone at the end of the day doesn’t. You feel empty and honestly even more bored than you were before you came on the platform. I understand that feeling because to be honest I’ve felt that also. Which is why…drum roll please… *drumroll*…. I’ve made my baby Sympocia
Conclusion: Final thoughts
My goal for this platform is to have a space where everyone and anyone can be themselves. A place where people actually care about your interests and you can express it in exciting new ways. Currently the beta is out right now so if you’re reading this right now (you beautiful creature) check it out :)
If you want to test it hit me up at or hit me up on Sympocia’s instagram…. Just type in sympocia
Thanks for reading :)